A Canopy Management Case Study: The Power of Strategic Amazon Advertising
Using a Data-Driven Approach to Revitalize Underperforming Amazon Products, Boost Sales, and Achieve Sustainable Success

In the highly competitive world of Amazon ecommerce, even quality products with strong potential can struggle to gain traction and generate sustainable sales. This case study follows the journey of a recent Canopy Management partner that found itself dealing with sluggish sales and an underperforming flagship product.
Canopy’s rapid success highlights the transformative power of expert Amazon advertising management and the critical role it plays in driving growth and success on an increasingly complicated platform.
Selling in the Amazon books and school supplies category, this recent Canopy partner had a number of SKUs and was making intermittent sales. Unfortunately, and despite their top quality, high value products, they simply weren’t moving enough volume to be sustainable. This was particularly evident with their top seller, a simple, traditional component of everyday student life.
So, what was the problem?
As it turns out, it’s not that they weren’t using Amazon advertising. The problem was that their in-house ad campaign for their main Amazon product was knocking it out of the park . . . until it wasn’t.
Canopy Management had been working with a few of their peripheral SKUs and had created ad campaigns that were thriving. Their tent pole SKU had been doing fine, then, the wheels fell off.
Their in-house ad campaigns stopped working.
Over the last few years, the level of skill required to succeed with Amazon advertising has risen to the point that thriving entrepreneurs with above-average ecommerce experience are seeing their strategies fall short.
To be honest, there wasn’t really one big thing that their in-house team was doing wrong. It was more the accumulation of little mistakes. In that way it was like death by 1000 cuts. Their main SKU was bleeding Amazon sales.
Most Amazon advertisers are using the same building blocks to assemble their campaigns. Success – or failure – comes from the way that the campaign is structured. Online sellers on Amazon’s platform all have the same ad pieces to move around the board; Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, and Demand Side Platform.
What the very best Amazon ad experts are able to do is adjust the layering and sequencing of the individual ad groups to increase visibility, and drive sales velocity.
The Canopy Management PPC Ads team create bespoke, specifically constructed Amazon campaigns that take advantage of the latest advances in artificial intelligence and dayparting strategies. More importantly, all of that technology and cutting-edge strategy is backstopped by dedicated account managers responsible for that account alone.
Four months ago in January of 2024, when Canopy’s PPC Ad team began working with the partner, the year-over-year organic sales growth had been relatively flat.
The bulk of their SKUs are affected by seasonality, still, from the screenshot below, it’s clear that something special was beginning to happen – just 30 days later – in February, 2024.
By March of 2024, sales of their main SKU were skyrocketing.

This case study helps illustrate the critical role of expert ad management. Canopy Management’s custom built, data-driven approach to PPC advertising transformed a struggling product into a sales powerhouse. By focusing on strategic ad structuring and leveraging advanced AI tools, Canopy Management delivered remarkable results.
For businesses looking to optimize their Amazon advertising and achieve sustainable growth, Canopy Management offers comprehensive services, including Strategic Growth Planning, Advertising Management, and more.
Visit Canopy Management to learn how we can elevate your Amazon business.

What would adding 67% more organic sales mean for your brand?
Turns out that when you combine the massive experience of Canopy’s Amazon Advertising Experts with smart tools and tech, you get industry-leading results like this:
- 84% Average Year-Over-Year Profit Growth for Our Partners
- 2.7 Billion in Revenue Managed
- 99.1% Partner Retention Rate
Canopy Management is a full-service marketing agency for Amazon and Walmart sellers. Our team consists of former Amazonians, multi-million dollar sellers, and award-winning experts.
When you consider the many ways that Canopy Management can help you grow your business, you’ll see why selling on Amazon is much easier “under the Canopy.”
- Strategic Growth Planning
- Listing Copywriting Optimization
- Listing Photography
- Product Videography
- Advertising Management
- Customer Service
- Demand Side Platform (Amazon DSP)
- Amazon Posts
- Full Service Management
- Amazon Review Aggregation
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